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- Get the latest information on ICD-10
- Exploring the newest implementation tech
ICD-10 Town Hall Meetings
ICD-10 FAQ's
- What is ICD-10?
- Why is the U.S. moving to ICD-10?
- Is there a grace period for implementation
- Implementation training vs. code training
- What will implementation cost?
ICD-10 Provider Readiness
To assist providers, HCSC has developed a survey that identifies vendor readiness for ICD-10 compliance by October 1, 2015.
ICD-10 Compliance Information
- Improved accuracy of payment policies
- Claims payment accuracy and efficiency
- Waste, fraud and abuse detection
- Better quality patient data
- Enhanced research and analytics
- Decreased error rates
- Better customer service
News //
ICD-10 Should be Data-focused
ICD-10 is only the means to an end - with the end being more reliable and meaningful data to improve
patient care...
Why CMS Doesn't Favor Dual Processing
Is your physician practice ready for the ICD-10 transition? A report from the Goverment Accountability Office (GAO) states that representative...
ICD-10 Compliance Deadline set for 10-1-2015
The latest latest comliance date for ICD-10 has been set for October 1, 2015, according to new regulation...
Video //
ICD-10 Basics